Call for Papers

1. Scientific works that have not been published before are accepted for publication.

2. The language of the conference is English.

3. Abstracts that do not meet the requirements or are not submitted on time are rejected by the decision of the organizing committee.

4. Three sessions and a seminar are planned for the conference.

According to the results of the conference, the participants will receive:

- certificate of participation in the conference;

- certificate of participation in the seminar (6 ECTS),

- the book of abstracts will be posted on the website, and the publications will be indexed by CrossRef and Google Scholar.

The cost of participation in the conference is 10 Euro (400 UAH)  and in workshop is 20 Euro (800 UAH) includes: participation in the conference`s website, book of abstracts and  certificate of the participant of the conference and workshop.

Authors can also publish the full version of their research in our scientific journals:

Economics, Finance And Management Review

Public administration and law review

Pedagogy and Education Management Review

Author Guidelines

Abstract should be in A4 format at 1.0 intervals. The length of the abstract is up to 3,000 characters without figures and tables, which not includes a list of reference. The text should be aligned on both sides (Times New Roman font, size 14), paragraph indentation should be 10 mm. All fields are 20 mm. All non-text objects can be built in with Word, formulas using Equation Editor, Charts, Graphs, Graph or Excel, and more. The color of the graphic materials is black and white, the filling is done by hatching. Figures, diagrams, formulas and tables should not be outside the box. Pages are not numbered. Words are typed without hyphenation.

In the center of the page - the title of the abstract. At the interval - the name, surname, scientific degree, academic title,  work`s place, position, email, ORCID are indicated. At the interval - the text. Finally, a lreferences used, by APA style is provided.

Abstract should be written using the following algorithm: first two or three sentences indicate the relevance of the topic; the aim and object of the study; the methodology (methods) of the study (for theoretical studies – its theoretical basis) are described; the obtained results and their practical value are characterized. At the same time, every statement must follow logically from the previous one. In the abstract for a research paper, it is recommended to use the numerical results. In the abstract of a review paper, the author can only point the issues discussed, without presenting the results. While writing the abstract, it is necessary to use the active voice instead of the passive voice, and such words as “thus”, “for instance”, “as a result”, etc. In the abstract, the author should not refer to any researches or other sources of information. The abstract should be written without subsections and without subtitles, i.e., is not structured. The text should be concise and original. It is not appropriate to use the sentences in the Abstract from the text of the paper. At the same time, the material which is absent in the paper cannot be presented in the Abstract. In the Abstract, the author should not refer to any sources, use tables and figures.

The authors are responsible for the content of the material. Materials should be carefully monitored under the rules of spelling.

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