Scientific Center of Innovative Research, International Conference on Corporation Management-2022

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Vadym Panko


Sustainability became a subject of survival for the whole World. To have sustainable future UN has developed 17 Sustainable Development Goals that give us a global plan for sustainable future by 2030 [1]. To reach these goals every individual, business, government in a World should place efforts towards them.

There is a three “Pillars” of Sustainability model described in “A Framework for Sustainability Indicators at EPA”:

- Social sustainability: standards of living, education, community, equal opportunity.

- Economic sustainability: profit, cost saving, economic growth, research, and development.

- Environmental sustainability: Natural resource use, environmental management, pollution prevention.

They are forming such intersections:

- Environmental-Economic: energy efficiency, subsidies/incentives for use of natural resources

- Economic-social: business ethics, fair trade, worker’s right

- Social-Environmental: environmental justice, natural resources stewardship locally and globally [2].

In many developed countries companies are already implementing environmentally responsible approach in their business model.

Governments are constantly setting new regulations towards environmental protection, that surely push companies to change their business process to be more environmental responsible. From other hand consumers behavior is changing and their choice more often with brands who are environmental responsible. So today being environmental responsible is also playing a role of competitive advantage for the business.

Many companies set up environmental sustainability goals and KPIs such as reducing energy and water consumption, reducing CO2 emission, using bio gradable products, increasing usage of recycled components and so on.

To monitor and measure their environmental sustainability goals and KPIs companies more often use business intelligence solutions and many of them do it in a very professional way already, however there are still no common approach in this filed.

Business intelligence (BI) combines business analytics, data mining, data visualization, data tools and infrastructure, and best practices to help organizations to make more data-driven decisions [3].

Many companies also are building environmentally sustainable supply chains and demanding from their suppliers to provide data about environmental sustainability indicators to build solid vision of real-life energy consumption, environmental footprint data, recyclability, water usage and so on.

There are also popping up vendors providing services of measuring footprint impact of products, connecting environmental sustainability data to suppliers, combine all data in one business intelligence tool and give access to it on subscription terms.

Despite all this huge progress there is still a big room for improvement and several areas that not covered well.

Companies should integrate all 3 “Pillars” of sustainability in an intelligent way to stay profitable, environmental, and socially responsible.

Main target for every business is to maximize their profit. That is common economic rule.

Combine environmental responsibility with maximizing profit could be not easy task that requires special approaches and advanced tools like business intelligence solutions.

Environmental sustainability actions require investments that companies expect to return with growth of revenue or cost reduction.

Companies needs to measure the effect of their environmental sustainability actions in both areas: environmental impact and financial impact.

Business intelligence solutions seems to be the most suitable way in integrating together environmental and economic sustainability company strategies.

Business intelligence could help companies to answer next questions:

-    What is the cost of environmental sustainability actions?

-    What is the economic effect of environmental sustainability actions?

-    What is the market value of company environmental sustainability offer?

-    How to price products/services from company environmental sustainability offer?

-    Where economic and environmental sustainability goals of company intersect and creates a synergy?

-    What is position of company vs competitors in environmental sustainability field?

-    Where economic and environmental sustainability goals of company play against each other?

-    What is the return on investments rate of environmental sustainability actions?

There are two biggest issues need to be solved to effectively integrate environmental and economic strategies of the companies and have solid business intelligence system in a company:

-    Methodology to measure main indicators (value, cost, return of investments of environmental sustainability actions, comparison of different opportunities, risks and so on)

-    Pipeline of integrating together environmental and economic sustainability in one business intelligence solution.

Approach of effective integrating environmental and economical strategies with help of business intelligence could vary from company to company, but in general it should have core structure and be available to public.

The aim of such approach is to help companies to find golden mean between environmental and economical sustainability strategies.

To develop a general approach of integrating environmental and economic sustainability strategies with help of business intelligence solutions is a complex task that requires combined efforts from science and business.


sustainability; economic sustainability; environmental sustainability; business intelligence; integration


1. UN General Assembly, Transforming our world : the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,21,October 2015, A/RES/70/1,

2. Fiksel, J., T. Eason, AND H. Fredrickson. A Framework for Sustainability Indicators at EPA. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R/12/687, 2013.

3. Business Intelligence: What It Is, How It Works, Its Importance, Examples, & Tools. (n.d.). Tableau,